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The idea of attraction is instantly appealing to most people. Attraction is about bringing something toward you, almost like a magnetic pull. The idea of a magnetic energy drawing something toward you is at the heart of the law of attraction. Now imagine what you could bring into your life if you knew how to direct that magnetic pull.

Do not be deceived by money and always remember to figure out where you spend your wealth. Most people know how to make money, but few know how to actually save it.

This is why you have to always practice gratitude. Do not be

overcome by greed and envy. This will not take you far. When you are grateful of what you have, this will attract more abundance. The universe will reward you with more of what you truly deserve.

Purchase this bundle pack to start your subconscious programming. Repeat them all and have asense of belief in everything you wish to pursue. Give yourself permission to work towards money and realize that nothing is holding you back but yourself.

Money Chakra Secrets & Mastering Law Of Attraction Bundle packs

  • You will receive a zip file with 2 PDF files. One for Mastering the Law Of Attraction. O For Money Chakra Secrets upon payment approval. If you have trouble downloading the files, send me a message with your email address and I will send the pdf files to your email provided.

    This is a digital ebook. You will not receive a hard copy in the mail. Upon approval of payment, you will receive a PDF File to download. If you have trouble downloading this PDF File, message me your email address and I will forward the PDF File to you.

    There are no refunds or exchanges on mesmerizing goddess products.

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